
Harnessing Wind Power: Enhancing Turbine Control via RNNs


In this article, we delve into the intricate realm of wind power generation, exploring the innovative marriage of permanent magnet synchronous generators (PMSGs) with high-performance online-trained recurrent neural networks (RNNs) for enhanced turbine pitch angle control. Our focus is on a hybrid fuzzy sliding mode loss minimization control, meticulously designed to harness the full potential of wind energy.


Harnessing the abundant power of wind energy presents a compelling solution to our global energy challenges. As a renewable and sustainable source, wind turbines play a pivotal role in the transition to clean energy. However, extracting maximum power from wind requires sophisticated control strategies that can adapt to the ever-changing wind conditions.

PMSG and RNN: A Synergistic Partnership

Permanent magnet synchronous generators (PMSGs) offer superior efficiency and reliability in wind turbine applications. However, their performance is heavily dependent on accurate pitch angle control, which optimizes blade orientation to capture maximum wind energy.

Recurrent neural networks (RNNs), renowned for their ability to learn and process sequential data, emerge as an ideal candidate for pitch angle control. RNNs can effectively capture the complex dynamics of wind turbine behavior, enabling precise control under varying operating conditions.

Hybrid Fuzzy Sliding Mode Loss Minimization Control

To harness the combined strengths of PMSGs and RNNs, we propose a hybrid fuzzy sliding mode loss minimization control strategy. This approach integrates the robustness of sliding mode control with the adaptivity of fuzzy logic and the learning capabilities of RNNs.

The RNN continuously monitors the turbine's operating parameters, including wind speed, rotor speed, and generator output power. Based on this real-time data, the RNN adjusts the control parameters of the sliding mode controller, ensuring optimal pitch angle for maximum power generation.

Online Training and Optimization

The RNN's ability to learn and adapt in real-time is critical to the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy. Using the backpropagation learning algorithm, the RNN continuously updates its weights and biases to minimize a loss function that reflects the turbine's performance.

By continuously fine-tuning its control parameters, the RNN ensures that the turbine operates at peak efficiency, even as wind conditions fluctuate.

Simulation and Results

Extensive simulations demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed control strategy. Compared to conventional control methods, our approach significantly improves power generation, especially under varying wind speeds.

The results showcase the effectiveness of the RNN's ability to capture complex turbine dynamics and optimize pitch angle adjustment in real-time.


The integration of PMSGs and RNNs within a hybrid fuzzy sliding mode loss minimization control strategy revolutionizes wind turbine control. This innovative approach harnesses the precision of PMSGs, the adaptivity of RNNs, and the robustness of sliding mode control to optimize pitch angle adjustment for maximum power generation.

As the demand for renewable energy sources intensifies, this cutting-edge control strategy holds immense promise for enhancing the efficiency and reliability of wind turbines, paving the way for a cleaner, more sustainable energy future.